A medieval Christmas at Rievaulx Abbey….

In the medieval period Christmas was actually a solemn occasion in abbeys, and was celebrated appropriately. The austerity of Advent preceded the marvel of Christ’s birth, and while there was a little gift-giving and entertainment, it bore no comparison whatsoever to the flapping around and overindulgence of today. Read more about the monks’ Christmas at… Continue reading A medieval Christmas at Rievaulx Abbey….

What really happened when the monasteries were suppressed….?

“….Despite being described by many as ‘an eyewitness account’, the Falle [of the Religiouse Howses] is nothing of the sort; in June 1538, when Roche was suppressed, Sherbrook was no more than four years of age. Instead, we must look to the motivation behind Sherbrook’s words, written three decades after the event….” Good heavens, this might almost… Continue reading What really happened when the monasteries were suppressed….?

Digging up Britain’s Past: By George, I think she’s got it

This second episode of this Channel Five series, presented by Alex Langlands and Helen Skelton, took us to Elsyng Palace, a North London house built by Henry VIII but with question marks about its precise venue until recently. Very unusually, the presenters clearly stated that the “King’s Great Matter” concerned not a divorce from Catherine… Continue reading Digging up Britain’s Past: By George, I think she’s got it


We have lost so much over the centuries down to warfare, fire, wanton and quite senseless destruction.  Perhaps the most grievous loss has been that of our once magnificent Abbeys , which even in their ruinous states are still capable of moving us by their heartbreaking beauty, captured here in stunning and evocative photography Enjoy… Continue reading TEN OF THE BEST MEDIEVAL ABBEYS IN BRITAIN.

Tales of a Ricardian Traveler – Part Two: Rievaulx Abbey and Helmsley Castle

Originally posted on RICARDIAN LOONS:
Lady on Horseback, mid-15th c., British Museum My previous Travel Tales blog talked about the Forest of Bowland and Skipton.  Today, we’re going to two places that sometimes get forgotten by the traveler who is interested in visiting places having some Richard III connections:  Rievaulx Abbey and Helmsley Castle. ?…