How old is Pevensey Castle….?

My ignorance was revealed when I read this article because I didn’t know how old Pevensey Castle was. This ancient fortress in East Sussex dates back to the Romans in the 3rd Century, and so was about 775 years old when the Conqueror marched into it. What a pity it didn’t collapse over the Bastard!… Continue reading How old is Pevensey Castle….?

London created champagne before the French….!

Yes indeed, it seems that Londoners invented champagne. It’s a claim that won’t go down well across La Manche, and I found it at this site, which is also where I found the illustration from Rocque’s Map below. “…If you could time travel back to medieval London you would [find it] awash with vineyards at… Continue reading London created champagne before the French….!

Wanted …

Digging for Britain is back, just twenty hours into the New Year, for series 10 (excluding a few specials). Alice Roberts is still the host, with Cat Jarman and Stuart Prior. The first episode included a Roman road in Bishop’s Stortford, an Iron Age matriarchy excavated in Dorset and a Lady of the Mercians (but… Continue reading Wanted …

The story of Dover Castle….

  When a land bridge connected us to the rest of the continent of Europe, the area that became Dover wasn’t of any particular importance but once the land bridge disappeared the white cliffs at Dover became the point on our coastline that is closest to France. July 2022 saw the port of Dover becoming… Continue reading The story of Dover Castle….

The ancient origins of some Christmas traditions….

  No, don’t crane your necks! It’s supposed to be upside down, as you’ll see at this site, from which the extract below is taken:- “….Every year as December rolls in, some 2 billion people start to feel the Christmas cheer. While the celebration is primarily a Christian one honouring the birth of Jesus, its traditions… Continue reading The ancient origins of some Christmas traditions….

Dogs and the Dog Days….

    Like most other people, I once thought that Dog Days did indeed have something to do with dogs. I eventually learned that no, they acquired their name from Sirius, the Dog Star, which is at its brightest during certain weeks in summer. The Ancient Greeks (some sites credit the Romans, so you can… Continue reading Dogs and the Dog Days….

Medlars – the medieval fruit we’ve nearly forgotten….

This extract is from “….Great writers such as Shakespeare and Chaucer used medlars to convey the loss of womanly virtue. In The Honest Whore, Thomas Dekker wrote: “Women are like medlars, no sooner ripe but rotten”. Hmm, that bit about “no sooner ripe but rotten” is more likely to apply to the male of the species. As soon… Continue reading Medlars – the medieval fruit we’ve nearly forgotten….

Westminster Abbey is biased because of those Tudors….!

Ten facts about Westminster Abbey? Well yes, this article does indeed provide such a list, but I do have to find fault with some of its statements. For instance, the Boys in the Urn were probably murdered by Richard’s henchmen. With luck that urn will one day fall off its plinth and break – then… Continue reading Westminster Abbey is biased because of those Tudors….!

Leprechauns were named by the Romans….?

There is a new dictionary of the medieval Irish language, contained in 23 volumes, see here. That’s a LOT of words! But one affects me more than all the others. It seems that “leprechaun” is not native Irish. It’s Roman. Oh, no. I wish they hadn’t discovered this, because as far as I’m concerned, leprechauns… Continue reading Leprechauns were named by the Romans….?

Crusaders came from all over, and were led by Richard III….?

  Well, when we think of the Romans, we now know they came from every corner of Europe and even the Middle East, but do we always think of Crusaders as being so diverse? This is an interesting article, and worth reading. Except….Richard III led the Third Crusade? One lives and learns. I’ll warrant Richard… Continue reading Crusaders came from all over, and were led by Richard III….?