What is Stonehenge really about? This documentary puts forth some fascinating new information….

  Recently I was fortunate enough to change channels and happen upon The Stonehenge Enigma: What Lies Beneath? on Channel 5. I missed the very beginning, but saw most of it, and very interesting it was too. A huge circle of manmade “sinkholes has been found near Stonehenge, and the first of these holes when… Continue reading What is Stonehenge really about? This documentary puts forth some fascinating new information….

More musical connections?

This nursery rhyme, although not mediaeval, is early modern and is supposed to refer to a monarch just a few places after Richard III. Here (left) we have the Martyrs’ Memorial near Balliol College, Oxford, that commemorates three of Mary I’s most prominent victims: Archbishop Cranmer and Bishops Latimer and Ridley. They were not the only… Continue reading More musical connections?

The Royal martyr

If you wish to visit the site of a heresy execution or a memorial to a victim in England and Wales, there are several options, most of which date from Mary I’s reign. Aldham Common in Hadleigh commemorates the town’s Rector, Rowland Tayler. Oxford marks an Archbishop, Cranmer, together with Bishops Latimer and Ridley, whilst… Continue reading The Royal martyr