Leap years, leaplings and leaping saints….

This year is a leap year, when tradition has it that on 29 February we women are permitted to propose to the men of our choice. Well, I doubt that much of that goes on these days, not least because marriage itself seems to be on the decline. Oh, and if you were born on… Continue reading Leap years, leaplings and leaping saints….

Which flower was designated for Richard’s birthday? And which saint was for that flower….?

Lurking among the many books around my home is a little booklet called A Calendar of Flowers and Their Saints, subtitled“A Flower for Every Day. A Saint for Every Flower.” It has no publication date, but is stamped Writers Service Bureau, London W.C. 1. Its pages are brown at the edges, there’s a teacup stain… Continue reading Which flower was designated for Richard’s birthday? And which saint was for that flower….?