Further news from Sutton Hoo

A few months ago, we wrote about Time Team’s plans for additional excavations at Sutton Hoo. Here is a more up-to-date ITV article. As you can see, the National Trust are hoping that the dig will solve some “anomalies” and may make some new discoveries. The programme will be online in June.

Sutton Hoo – the missing link?

The Wuffingas, Raedwald in particular, lived in an era when such royal dynasties transitioned from paganism to Christianity. Digging in detail at Suttton Hoo, this time by school children and assisted by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, to build on the knowledge we already have, is carrying on and seems to have located a hybrid temple.… Continue reading Sutton Hoo – the missing link?

King Aethelwold, the Venerable Bede and the new excavations at Rendlesham….

  Nowadays Rendlesham (the Forest) is often regarded as the site of Britain’s Roswell, but that’s a very recent development because it’s also where “Archaeologists have uncovered a 1,400-year-old royal Hall of the first Kings of East Anglia in Suffolk, England.” The site was apparently first spotted from the air in 2015….but was first mentioned… Continue reading King Aethelwold, the Venerable Bede and the new excavations at Rendlesham….

Another “Mary Rose” is found….

  I well remember all the excitement when Henry VIII’s Mary Rose was found and brought to the surface for the first time since his reign. The event was broadcast live and we watched as she reappeared inch by slow inch. Yes, it was quite a story. But then, Henry VIII (love him or hate… Continue reading Another “Mary Rose” is found….

Returning to Sutton Hoo

The Mid Anglia branch of the Richard III society met at Woodbridge railway station and drove to the National Trust’s Sutton Hoo. Sutton Hoo, made famous this year by the release of Netflix’s “The Dig”, starring Ralph Fiennes and Carey Mulligan, is the site of the Royal burial ground of East Anglia’s 6th, 7th and… Continue reading Returning to Sutton Hoo

This Union: The Ghost Kingdoms of England

This is an excellent series on BBC4 about the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms that eventually evolved to fill the vacuum left by departure of the Roman legions. In the first episode, Ian Hislop visits East Anglia, particularly Colchester, Ipswich and Sutton Hoo, viewing some coins with Philip Wise and hearing about the Wuffingas, apparently descended from a… Continue reading This Union: The Ghost Kingdoms of England

A holy Anglo-Saxon family

The best known Wuffing king of East Anglia was Raedwald, who is almost certainly buried at Sutton Hoo, in a transitional style that befits a convert to Christianity. Anna (male despite the name) was his nephew and eventual successor and no fewer than four of his daughters, together with his son, were canonised. Among Raedwald’s… Continue reading A holy Anglo-Saxon family

London’s Greatest Bridges (continued)

This series finally resumed on Channel Five at the beginning of October, to cover two of the newer structures over the Thames, neither of which are in the original form. As usual, Rob Bell’s enthusiasm is infectious and his programmes are highly informative. Episode Three covered Westminster Bridge. By 1700, the population of London was… Continue reading London’s Greatest Bridges (continued)

Digital reconstruction of the Sutton Hoo ship….

To read all about the project illustrated above, go to saxonship. See also the Mail. I have to say though that if the bow is on the left of the middle picture, and the vessel is presumably moving from right to left…aren’t the oarsmen sitting the wrong way around? Or are they intentionally going backward?… Continue reading Digital reconstruction of the Sutton Hoo ship….