Disappeared in Europe 500 years apart – the eyes have it?

First we have “Perkin Warbeck”, who the 1493 Trois Enseignes Naturelz , as found by the Missing Princes Project in the Austrian State Archives, has confirmed to be Edward V’s brother Richard of Shrewsbury, Duke of York. The document title is a reference to his distinguishing features, as obliterated by the torture he underwent so… Continue reading Disappeared in Europe 500 years apart – the eyes have it?

Philippa’s Song

(by the Legendary Ten Seconds): She read a book about Richard the Third What a story to be told Struck by so much injustice Hearsay from the days of old   She’s moved Ricardian mountains And her search for the truth moves on Though some will not believe her For her I have written this… Continue reading Philippa’s Song

The Links That Bind – Reappraisals – Richard III, Edward V, the Herald’s Memoir, Coldridge/John Evans, Sir Henry Bodrugan, Thomas Grey and Gleaston Castle.

    REBLOGGED FROM A MEDIEVAL POTPOURRI @ sparkypus.com Could these images in Coldridge Church be of the same man? A young Edward V, an adult man whose face appears to show injury/disfigurement around the mouth/chin area and the face of the John Evans effigy which also seems to have a scarred chin? It was way… Continue reading The Links That Bind – Reappraisals – Richard III, Edward V, the Herald’s Memoir, Coldridge/John Evans, Sir Henry Bodrugan, Thomas Grey and Gleaston Castle.

The Missing Princes Project and 2023….

Here’s an article that contains an interview with Philippa Langley. It’s all about how The Lost King came about, but also has a few nuggets about what we might expect in 2023 concerning the Missing Princes project. Tantalising!

Edward V, the Coldridge Mystery and the Telegraph article

Reblogged from A Medieval Potpourri sparkypus.com Stained glass image of Edward V in the Evans chapel at Coldridge Church.  Image has been verified as being of Edward V by stained glass experts Brooks and Cherry as well as the Keeper of  Ceramics at the Victoria and Albert Museum. Photo  Photo Dale Cherry Here is a… Continue reading Edward V, the Coldridge Mystery and the Telegraph article