Only reading half the evidence …

This article seems to cite all the right sources in implying that there is a false paternity event in the short line between Edward III and Richard III. However, they haven’t examined Edward III’s Y-chromosome or the much longer paternal chain to the (Regency) 5th Duke of Beaufort, as we did here. Hilariously, even one… Continue reading Only reading half the evidence …

Ten facts gleaned from Richard’s skeleton….

  I wondered what was coming when I turned to this article but it’s actually quite sensible, even if some of the comments beggar belief. (Know of a woodland somewhere in the UK? Because some people think we no longer have any! Or think it’s clever and snide to pretend we don’t.) The ten facts… Continue reading Ten facts gleaned from Richard’s skeleton….

Now Dr Turi King and co-host Rod Demery look at ancient murder mysteries….

“….Ancient Murders Unearthed travels back in time to iconic epochs and cultures to re-tell the stories of infamous and little-known murders, from the Rosemarkie Man, a Pictish man who was killed and ritualistically buried in a Black Isle cave, to Otzi, the ice man who was murdered 5,000 years ago….” “….The series is hosted by Louisiana… Continue reading Now Dr Turi King and co-host Rod Demery look at ancient murder mysteries….

The RICL: Anthropology and forensic science

I have made a habit of watching the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures for over forty years. A single scientist, with guest contributors, covers a subject over three (to five) days and demonstrates some of the detail to a live audience of inquisitive children, who take part in the experiments. Last year’s lecturer was Professor Dame… Continue reading The RICL: Anthropology and forensic science

Lucy Worsley “proves” Richard III murdered his nephews….!

  Episode 3 of Lucy Worsley‘s latest TV series is about The Princes in the Tower, and from the outset it’s clear that Lucy is Lady Dracula, because she goes for Richard III’s jugular at every opportunity. The thought that he might be innocent doesn’t seem to occur to her because she’s utterly convinced of… Continue reading Lucy Worsley “proves” Richard III murdered his nephews….!

Professor Turi King has written a new book about DNA….

  “….Transworld has landed a ‘myth-busting’ book about DNA by Professor Turi King, best known for her work identifying Richard III from the remains discovered under a Leicester city car park….” If publishers are snapping up this book, titled DNA: Why Genetics Matters, (thankyou a commenter below for finding the title) which is due out… Continue reading Professor Turi King has written a new book about DNA….

More Mythology of Richard III

The Mythology of Richard III was one of the late John Ashdown-Hill’s fine and well-researched books, which tried to dispel some of the ingrained tall tales about the much-maligned King. Unfortunately, ‘MORE Mythology’ seems to come up all too infrequently, and I am not necessarily talking about Thomas More, although his name often arises still… Continue reading More Mythology of Richard III

Will the sequencing of Richard’s genome prove he was good or bad….?

On Tuesday 2nd March a new series commences on BBC2 (9 pm) about what may or may not be revealed by the in-depth study of DNA and sequencing genomes. Of course, this will include Richard. How can it not? Especially when Professor Turi King is involved. Richard is surely the most important and prominent historical… Continue reading Will the sequencing of Richard’s genome prove he was good or bad….?


A dramatic news story always makes headlines. Therefore, I was not entirely surprised when, several years ago, I saw a newpaper headline reading, ‘Richard III was a Blue-Eyed Blond.‘ Sadly, many people do not read beyond headlines, and completely missed the part that said ‘the blonde hair was probably only in childhood.’ (I never knew… Continue reading SPLITTING HAIRS–AGAIN

Has mtDNA identified Jack the Ripper?

“Ripperology” is quite a confused subject and at least a dozen suspects have been conclusively “identified as the Whitechapel fiend. Nevertheless, this article and the book detailed within, if taken at face value, uses the scientific techniques that identified Richard III, Jesse James, Nicholas II and others to claim to solve the East London riddle… Continue reading Has mtDNA identified Jack the Ripper?