The Mists Of Middleham

A review of The Mists of Middleham by Pauline Calkin. Reposted from the Richard III Society page.   The Mists of Middleham – An Alianore Audley Novel by Brian Wainwright. Readers may remember Alianore Audley as the wise-cracking, no nonsense Yorkist Intelligence operative who gave us her first-hand account of the reigns of Edward IV… Continue reading The Mists Of Middleham

The True History of King Richard III (Part 1)

Fotheringhay Castle October 1452. The Duchess of York – aka the Rose of Raby – was not feeling very rose-like. Unsurprising, as she had been pregnant for two whole years. I mean, you know how big some women get after nine months, so after two years she was big. With a capital B. And awkward, and uncomfortable,… Continue reading The True History of King Richard III (Part 1)