The top ten English castles….?

My two favourite kings, Richards II and III, get a mention in this article Top 10 castles in England ( All ten castles are splendidly impressive, but there are so many more, equally splendid and impressive, that are omitted. As witness Arundel above. But if you’re selecting your own top 10 in England, these are… Continue reading The top ten English castles….?

The history of castles….

We all love early castles. Well, we can love those from later ages, but they don’t have quite the same cachet as those wonderful old fortresses that always make us gasp when we see them. But how did they evolve? And why did they become obsolete except as tourist attractions and scenic splendours? This article… Continue reading The history of castles….

More old coins found, including one of HVII’s….

Just how many more ancient coins are waiting for someone to find them? And how many hoards? It never ceases to be exciting. There is a date of 1504 for at least one of these, so I guess we know who hid them! Step forward Henry VII, and admit it’s one of your stashes. If… Continue reading More old coins found, including one of HVII’s….