Reblogged from A Medieval Potpourri Arms of Thomas Grey, Marquess of Dorset (c.1455-1501). Wikipdia. Well, well, well.  What can I say about Thomas Grey Marquess of Dorset (c. 1455–1501)?  A member of the voracious Wydeville/Woodville family he lived through the tumult of the Wars of the Roses, at one time ending up in a bit… Continue reading THOMAS GREY MARQUESS OF DORSET – MEDIOCRE AND SHIFTY OR GOOD AND PRUDENT MAN?

A Keighley man has traced his ancestry back to Sir Thomas Vaughan . . .

A Keighley man, Jimmy Vaughan, has traced his ancestry back to the Sir Thomas Vaughan who was executed at Pontefract Castle on June 25 1483 for opposing Richard, Duke of Gloucester, who was by right of his late brother’s request, Lord Protector of England. Of course, Sir Thomas was one of the multitude of three… Continue reading A Keighley man has traced his ancestry back to Sir Thomas Vaughan . . .

A Portrait of Edward V and Perhaps Even a Resting Place?- St Matthew’s Church Coldridge

Reblogged from A Medieval Potpourri Stained glass image of Edward V Coldridge Church, Devon,   This wonderful church in Devon contains some little gems including a charming portrait of the young Edward V  in  a stained glass window,  king for such a short while.   The story of Edward and his brother, Richard of… Continue reading A Portrait of Edward V and Perhaps Even a Resting Place?- St Matthew’s Church Coldridge

Let’s compare Anne Neville and Elizabeth Woodville, the two queens of York . . . .

“ . . . . The role of consort can make or break a monarchy. Some have seen their reign saved by the energies of their spouse while others have seen their power waver because of their consort’s actions. Here, we look at the consorts of the House of York . . . .” Thus… Continue reading Let’s compare Anne Neville and Elizabeth Woodville, the two queens of York . . . .

Cheyneygates, Westminster Abbey, Elizabeth Woodville’s Pied-à-terre

  Reblogged from A Medieval Potpourri Cheyneygates, Westminster Abbey, Elizabeth Woodville’s Pied-à-terre A tantalising glimpse of  an ancient passage leading to Abbot’s Court and the steps leading up to Jericho Parlour.  Cheyneygates was situated to the right of the steps.  Photo Dr John Crook Country Life Picture Library. This updated post was written with… Continue reading Cheyneygates, Westminster Abbey, Elizabeth Woodville’s Pied-à-terre

A highlight from the quincentenary …

… of Richard’s accession was Channel Four’s 1984 “The Trial Of King Richard The Third”, presided over by Lord Elwyn-Jones. A YouTube poster has sliced it into 22 segments so enjoy the show, particularly part ten, in which a young Starkey implodes. Pollard and Lady Wedgwood (Pamela Tudor-Craig) also feature, as do Anne Sutton and… Continue reading A highlight from the quincentenary …

Peter Wilkinson, cameraman to the Queen….and (wishfully) to centuries of history….?

I have just watched an extremely interesting documentary called Camerman to the Queen, about the exceedingly talented and prudent royal cameraman, Peter Wilkinson, who is clearly not only brilliant at what he does, but is also the complete soul of discretion. He’s trusted by the Queen and royal family, blends in matchlessly and can be… Continue reading Peter Wilkinson, cameraman to the Queen….and (wishfully) to centuries of history….?