“From Augustinians to Eboracum at York Guildhall….”

“….During the medieval period, this site north of the 14th-century Guildhall was the location of York’s Augustinian friary, known to have hosted Richard III when he was the Duke of Gloucester. The YAT team uncovered several structures linked with the friary, including a series of large ovens, which may have been part of the kitchens….”… Continue reading “From Augustinians to Eboracum at York Guildhall….”

Traces of the Romans found during extensive work under York’s Guildhall….

  A £15.5 million construction project is in progress, to restore York’s Guildhall, which has stood on the banks of the River Ouse for centuries. Certainly it was known by Richard III, who visited the building during his reign. And who lived in Yorkshire for many years as the Duke of Gloucester, of course. Archaeologists… Continue reading Traces of the Romans found during extensive work under York’s Guildhall….


Beneath our feet and hidden away in nooks and crannies of Britain’s towns and cities,  there is still a treasure trove of ancient wonders to be found–we’ve learned that from important finds in recent years such as the Staffordshire Hoard, and, of course, King Richard III’s grave in Leicester. Even more recently there have been… Continue reading YORKSHIRE’S HIDDEN HERITAGE REVEALED

A secret passage beneath York’s Guildhall….

  “….The 15th-century Guildhall [in York] was built over a medieval road that led to and from the Ouse wharves. Common Hall Lane remains beneath the building as an enclosed passageway prone to flooding, but historians believe it was laid on top of what was originally a Roman route….” How intriguing. As indicated in the… Continue reading A secret passage beneath York’s Guildhall….


UPDATED POST AT sparkypus.com A Medieval Potpourri https://sparkypus.com/2020/05/14/the-memory-of-king-richard-still-laid-like-lees-at-the-bottom-of-mens-hearts-sir-francis-bacon-2/ Entry from the York City House book…’King Richard late mercifully reigning upon us was thrugh grete treason of the duc of Northefolk and many othre that turned ayenst hyme, with many othre lordes and nobilles of this north parties, was pitiously slain and murdred to the grey hevynesse of this citie’ (1) “The… Continue reading “THE MEMORY OF KING RICHARD STILL LAID LIKE LEES AT THE BOTTOM OF MENS HEARTS’ Sir Francis Bacon

Richard III, Henry VII and the City of York….

    This is not my work, but has been lifted entirely from British History Online. My contribution is the illustrations. It is a sensible assessment of the relationship of both Richard and Henry Tudor with the great city of York. :-  York, Richard of Gloucester, and Henry VII  There was much that was new in… Continue reading Richard III, Henry VII and the City of York….