A Worcestershire castle for £500,000….?

Ribbesford House

I love delving into the glossy pages of Country Life magazine, because something of interest always turns up. This time I’ve happened upon the story of Ribbesford House on the banks of the River Severn in Worcestershire. Not only was this vast property once on sale for the ridiculously low price of £500,000, but Ribbesford has a history that goes back to the Danes. It was granted to the Mortimers of Wigmore and was occupied by Roger Mortimer’s steward. In the late 14th-century it was held by Thomas, Earl of Warwick, then by the Earl of Salisbury and then back to the next Earl of Warwick. It knew brushes with the Battle of Nibley Green, the Lisle Greys, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, Sir Arthur Plantagenet and many more. So Ribbesford has a colourful historic past.

showing the boundary of the property

To read the story of its sale for £500,000 go to this site. To learn what’s happening now, go here . Both, of course, with lots and lots of lovely Country Life photographs. The end result will surely be worth another visit from Country Life. I certainly hope so.



  1. Ribbesford House is very near to Ribbesford Church which has connections to the House of York and Richard III. There is a medieval glass window with a St Anthony boar and the Yorkist fetterlock. Initially it was thought that the boar was nothing to do with Richard, however, then it was discovered that when he was young he used the St Anthony boar as his badge with the motto Tante le Desiree. Edward IV and Richard III owned Tickenhill Palace which was part of their Mortimer inheritance and is just a short distance away.

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