Did Chaucer die a natural death….?

  Here is an extract from Terry Jones’s exquisitely researched book Who Murdered Chaucer? This extract deals with the first Lancastrian usurpation of the throne of England. The usurper was Henry of Bolingbroke, who became Henry IV, and the king he usurped and killed was his first cousin Richard II. I think Terry Jones’s words… Continue reading Did Chaucer die a natural death….?

James I: Scotland’s Lancastrian King

Here is an excellent Gordon McKelvie article from History Extra about the king who was prisoner, hostage and then guest of the three Lancastrian kings, before marrying Henry V‘s cousin in Southwark Cathedral and going home to reign in person, heavily influenced in style by his former hosts, as the Stewarts of Albany and “Paul… Continue reading James I: Scotland’s Lancastrian King