On identifying significant evidence

As this Ricardian article shows, it is quite possible to believe that something is highly probable whilst not noticing a piece of evidence that goes a long way towards proving it, or not appreciating the strength of the evidence in question. This particular case is about the widely held hypothesis that Margaret, daughter of Margaret… Continue reading On identifying significant evidence

From a wild flower to the Great Feast of Cawood….

While looking in A Dictionary of Superstitions, edited by Iona and Moira Tatem, specifically for anything concerning Midsummer traditions, I found one that involved the orpine/sedum plant. The following passage was taken from Brand, Antiquities I 263-4, 1777:- “….on 22nd January, 1801, a small gold ring….was exhibited to the Society of Antiquaries….It had been found….in… Continue reading From a wild flower to the Great Feast of Cawood….

To eat medieval meat, or not to eat medieval meat….

It is said that eating cheese last thing at night is very bad indeed for the digestion, and will result in alternate sleeplessness or bad dreams. Well, so I have been told. I ate cheese last thing last night and slept like a log, but I woke up this morning with the odd thought about… Continue reading To eat medieval meat, or not to eat medieval meat….