Sharing the household goods for the medieval parting of the ways….

Never having been divorced I have no idea of exactly how fussy the law is when it comes to sharing property. Well, I know they still have to list things, but I certainly didn’t know what was expected in medieval times when a couple finally parted. I had reason to check upon what amounted to… Continue reading Sharing the household goods for the medieval parting of the ways….

Myths aren’t facts; least of all myths about Richard III….

Ricardians often bemoan the repeated myths about Richard’s wickedness and cruelty. And with good reason. In spite of the fact that he did what he could to better the lot of women, he is accused of bullying the poor old (treacherous) Countess of Oxford because she happened to be financing her Lancastrian son who was… Continue reading Myths aren’t facts; least of all myths about Richard III….