Seating in Church.

Seating in church? For the medieval period, it should perhaps be ‘placing in church’ as pews for the multitude only really came in at the very end of the fifteenth century, and became universal in England after the change in the liturgy in the 16th Century, when two-hour sermons became common and seating for all… Continue reading Seating in Church.

Unwanted heirs? The Mortimers in the 1390s

It has been established now that Roger Mortimer, Earl of March, was declared heir to the throne by Parliament in 1386 – not 1385 as commonly believed. This Parliament was very much at odds with Richard II (it set up a one-year Commission to run most of his affairs, much to Richard’s displeasure.) So it… Continue reading Unwanted heirs? The Mortimers in the 1390s