Busting yet another Cairo myth

Bishop Robert Stillington was imprisoned soon after Bosworth and died in captivity in 1491, definitely by 15 May. It is generally thought that this was a punishment for providing the copious evidence that convinced the Three Estates, in June 1483, of Edward IV’s bigamy. This rendered Elizabeth of York and all her siblings legally illegitimate,… Continue reading Busting yet another Cairo myth

1968 accuracy about Richard’s resting place….

Here is an extract that I found interesting. It’s from a 1968 booklet titled Discovering London 3: Medieval London, by Kenneth Derwent, published by Macdonald, and while it doesn’t condemn Richard, a previous paragraph states that the disappearance of Edward V and his brother “were disposed of” and that “the circumstantial evidence points most strongly… Continue reading 1968 accuracy about Richard’s resting place….

The Trial That Should Have Happened in 1483

Originally posted on RICARDIAN LOONS:
Putting aside the mystery of what ultimately happened to Edward IV’s two sons, one enduring difficulty for a student of history is whether Richard III used the proper legal procedure in having them declared illegitimate because of their father’s precontracted marriage to Eleanor Talbot.  The most (and only) significant defect…

Edward de Wigmore existed, and left descendants….

  The general consensus is that there never was an Edward de/of Wigmore. Indeed, many say that his supposed parents were never an item at all, let alone married. The parents are, of course, Edward IV and Lady Eleanor Talbot. Their marriage is the mysterious pre-contract, the revelation of which in 1483 catapulted Richard III… Continue reading Edward de Wigmore existed, and left descendants….


UPDATED POST ON sparkypus.com A Medieval Potpourri https://sparkypus.com/2020/07/01/bermondsey-abbey-and-elizabeth-wydevilles-retirement-there/ Elizabeth Wydeville, by an unknown artist, Royal Collection. If anyone today wandering around Bermondsey, South London, should find themselves in redeveloped Bermondsey Square they may be surprised to find that they are standing on the spot where once stood the quadrangle of the Abbey of Bermondsey, the… Continue reading BERMONDSEY ABBEY AND ELIZABETH WYDEVILLE

The Da Vinci Pre-Contract….?

No, no – do not be put off by this dry old illustration, for it but masks the workings of an over-active mind. Mine! Does anything about the following sound familiar? “…The nickname John of London, given to Richard [II], alludes to a report spread by Henry that Richard was the illegitimate son of the… Continue reading The Da Vinci Pre-Contract….?


Recently, for this year’s anniversary of Bosworth Field, I had the pleasure of joining the Somerset branch of the Richard III society in a commemoration service held in the Bishop’s private chapel. King Richard’s personal prayer was recited, and the beautiful ‘In Memoriam: Ricardus Rex’ by Graham Keitch was sung to great effect by the… Continue reading A COMMEMORATION IN WELLS


Introduction According to the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, the noun Ricardianism means ‘support for or advocacy of Richard III’. Even though I have been a supporter of king Richard III for almost six decades, I am reluctant to describe myself as a Ricardian since it implies a narrow interest in one man. I prefer to… Continue reading STILL LOOKING FOR RICHARD 

A Time for Truth, a Time for Lies…or for Pretended Obliviousness and Bullying Tactics

 My thanks to everyone at Murrey & Blue who helped with this article. It was very much a team effort, and you know who you are. An Elizabethan Professor Introduced Me to Richard A long time ago, at a university far away, I took a class on medieval history from a professor who thought Elizabeth… Continue reading A Time for Truth, a Time for Lies…or for Pretended Obliviousness and Bullying Tactics

Treason and plots – a tale of 1468

Lady Eleanor Butler (born Talbot) probably knew that she was dying. In the early months of 1468, she transferred the lands that were hers to transfer to her sister, Elizabeth, Duchess of Norfolk. Where these lands came from is something of a mystery. John Ashdown-Hill has demonstrated that they were not dower lands, could not… Continue reading Treason and plots – a tale of 1468