Found under the living room floor….a medieval well and a sword….!

I find this story quite discomforting. Just the thought that merely crossing your living room might result in falling through the floor into a 15th-century well is enough to give me the shivers. Mind you, if I noticed a dip in the floor I’d have had it inspected a little more promptly than the ten… Continue reading Found under the living room floor….a medieval well and a sword….!

Whose horse once wore this item of chest harness….?

In 2011/2012 a hoard of medieval artefacts was discovered down a well at the remains of castle of Caherduggan, near Doneraile, Co Cork. It included a complete peytrel/peytral/poitrel for a horse, which names derive from pectoral. Peytrels were worn around the horse’s chest, and although I’d never heard the name before, I recognised what it… Continue reading Whose horse once wore this item of chest harness….?

Did Richard II hide his treasure down a Cheshire well….?

“….To provide the castle’s inhabitants with fresh water, wells were dug into the rock. One at 370 feet (113 m) deep, is one of the deepest castle wells in England. According to legend, it was the hiding place of Richard II’s treasure which he stashed before leaving England in 1399 to quell the rebellion in Ireland. The treasure has… Continue reading Did Richard II hide his treasure down a Cheshire well….?

Here’s to the successful rescue of Becket’s Well in Derby….

“This isn’t quite Richard III under a car park but a 12th century holy well attached to St Thomas Becket is still a rare survival.” Indeed it is, and I do hope the excavations in Derby lead to the well’s permanent restoration. It’s dreadful how we’ve allowed our precious past to be destroyed, but better… Continue reading Here’s to the successful rescue of Becket’s Well in Derby….

From the Lizard to Deptford Bridge – a guest post

An Gof and the Cornish Rebellion 1497 As the early summer sun seared upon Bodmin Moor, sweeping south westwards to Goonhilly Downs , which straddles a swathe of the Lizard Peninsula , the tortured arid landscapes  weren’t the only features of 1497 Cornwall, threatening to ignite in a blaze of fiery agitation. In  1337 the… Continue reading From the Lizard to Deptford Bridge – a guest post

The holy wells and healing springs of our heritage….

Holy wells and healing springs go back into history, and are still with us now. Maybe our belief in them has been tempered by the cynicism of the modern age, but many people still believe in them—and still resort to them. Here is an interesting site that not only tells us all about the subject,… Continue reading The holy wells and healing springs of our heritage….


Recently, for this year’s anniversary of Bosworth Field, I had the pleasure of joining the Somerset branch of the Richard III society in a commemoration service held in the Bishop’s private chapel. King Richard’s personal prayer was recited, and the beautiful ‘In Memoriam: Ricardus Rex’ by Graham Keitch was sung to great effect by the… Continue reading A COMMEMORATION IN WELLS

Is this a new Richard film? Or not…..? Before you examine the above links, let me say that the following tale of woe demonstrates the hazards of taking a press article at face value. Beware of doing so, for it can lead you up the garden path. . . Right. To the links. They require some wading through a clutter of… Continue reading Is this a new Richard film? Or not…..?

Should Richard come to ours, or we go to his…?

  No, I’m not about to discuss whose house to go to for a friendly drink, but about whose period in history to choose for a time-travel novel. Richard’s? Or ours? So there he is in the above picture, with Old London Bridge behind him, and the modern London Bridge in front. Is he leaving his… Continue reading Should Richard come to ours, or we go to his…?