Why did the builders of Stonehenge, West Kennett Long Barrow and Silbury Hill disappear….?

  I have just been watching an episode of Blowing up History, in which the prehistoric stone monuments at Stonehenge, West Kennett and Silbury Hill were investigated. The discovery of a large upturned bell-shaped pottery jar at West Kennett led to the revelation that it was the work of the so-called Beaker People of Europe,… Continue reading Why did the builders of Stonehenge, West Kennett Long Barrow and Silbury Hill disappear….?

Normal for Normans? Exploring the large round mounds of England….

“….Most of England’s monumental mounds are assumed to be Norman castle mottes built in the period immediately after the Conquest – but could some of them have much earlier origins? Jim Leary, Elaine Jamieson, and Phil Stastney report on a project that set out to investigate some of these mighty constructions….” There is information about… Continue reading Normal for Normans? Exploring the large round mounds of England….


Marlborough is a quaint little town in Wiltshire. It has a rather famous College (once attended by Kate Middleton) but no buildings dating much before Tudor times other than two heavily restored churches. However, it used to have a castle, and a rather important one too. The first castle was built by William the Conqueror… Continue reading THE LOST FONT OF MARLBOROUGH CASTLE


When the Normans came to England they built their stern castles upon  huge mounds that gave them clear views across the countryside from the height of the donjon or keep. For many years, it was thought these mottes were mostly of Norman date, contemporary with the castle structures,  or else were natural, glacial features utilised… Continue reading MONUMENTAL MOUNDS AND MOTTES