The Mists Of Middleham

A review of The Mists of Middleham by Pauline Calkin. Reposted from the Richard III Society page.   The Mists of Middleham – An Alianore Audley Novel by Brian Wainwright. Readers may remember Alianore Audley as the wise-cracking, no nonsense Yorkist Intelligence operative who gave us her first-hand account of the reigns of Edward IV… Continue reading The Mists Of Middleham

Bad grammar and untruths, not just about Richard III….

  Oh dear, Gloucestershire Live has been very sloppy. In this article about Dukes of Gloucester, Richard of Gloucester did away with George of Clarence! Then we get “When Henry IV dies, his brother Richard becomes protector and puts the two princes in safekeeping in the Tower of London. And they are never seen again.” If… Continue reading Bad grammar and untruths, not just about Richard III….

Book Review: How to Survive in Medieval England by Toni Mount

This useful guide is a vital accessory when you next visit the Middle Ages. How will you manage without your mobile phone, internet or social media? When transport means walking or, for the better off, horse-back, how will you know where you are or where to go? Where will you live and what should you… Continue reading Book Review: How to Survive in Medieval England by Toni Mount

Weir(d) Babies (3): “Philippa of Gloucester”

We have written twice before about non-existent historical children somehow finding their way into works by a certain modern writer, who is often cited on Wikipedia and repeated by others. In these posts, we referred to “Joan of York”, ostensibly a sister of Richard III, together with those attributed to Henry IV and Mary de… Continue reading Weir(d) Babies (3): “Philippa of Gloucester”

The Time Travellers Conference….?

I know you’re ahead of me here (ha! joke!) but can you imagine what my nincompoop brain did at first glance of the illustration below? That’s right, my brain leapt to “The Time Travellers Conference”. Oh, if only! What a thought, with or without Covid restrictions, but who/what/why/where would be involved in such a conference?… Continue reading The Time Travellers Conference….?

Book Review: Distant Echoes: Richard III Speaks!

Distant Echoes: Richard III Speaks! by Joanne R. Larner In the time following the discovery, beneath a Leicester parking lot, of the remains of Richard III, the last English king to die in battle, the medieval monarch has indeed gained a wider audience as we learn more details of the find. For example, it was… Continue reading Book Review: Distant Echoes: Richard III Speaks!

Strange Times by Joan Szechtman

Today, we interview Joan Szechtman, an American writer who has just published her third time-travel novel about King Richard the Third.  Fans of Joan have read her books, THIS TIME, which was published in 2009 and LOYALTY BINDS ME which was published in 2011.  Her third Richard the Third novel, STRANGE TIMES, has just been… Continue reading Strange Times by Joan Szechtman

Heading for a new record?

This is Richard Dunne, the player who has scored the most top flight own goals (ten in twenty seasons) since the beginning of the Premier League. “David” is already challenging that total in a shorter time frame. Here are some of his career highlights: 1) Claiming that “Perkin” confessed his imposture to a Scottish Bishop, many… Continue reading Heading for a new record?

Richard III and Dr Who together beneath one roof….?

The Belmont Hotel in Leicester has rooms to acknowledge the city’s claims to fame, including a Space Room, because of the National Space Centre and the university’s successful developments in space research since the 1960s. Former Dr Who, Colin Baker, came to advertise the new room. Possibly without the aid of the Tardis, but one… Continue reading Richard III and Dr Who together beneath one roof….?

Should Richard come to ours, or we go to his…?

  No, I’m not about to discuss whose house to go to for a friendly drink, but about whose period in history to choose for a time-travel novel. Richard’s? Or ours? So there he is in the above picture, with Old London Bridge behind him, and the modern London Bridge in front. Is he leaving his… Continue reading Should Richard come to ours, or we go to his…?